TimesDay ম্যাগাজিন ব্লগার টেমপ্লেট
TimesDay is our another template for blogger users. We've choose the name 'Times' because +40 post will appear in this template. Simply light and decent color combination are used in TimesDay. Every aspect of the theme is designed to work best to make this theme user friendly.
Bt9's 1st priority is always on quality and best theme loading time. 0 images are used in TD theme, Bootstrap is doing great for us. On users demand, We've placed related post area same like "Iconic One" theme. Auto post trending ticker is added below navigation bar. Social bookmarks added below post title to get more shares, 6 column footer area to add different categories
Bt9's 1st priority is always on quality and best theme loading time. 0 images are used in TD theme, Bootstrap is doing great for us. On users demand, We've placed related post area same like "Iconic One" theme. Auto post trending ticker is added below navigation bar. Social bookmarks added below post title to get more shares, 6 column footer area to add different categories
Activate Automatic Post Widget
How to display All posts on Home page
Type your post's "label" in it. (Category spelling should be pasted in exact)
Edit title as per your need and click save. Refresh and your posts will be appearing!!
Note: Atleast 5 posts should be published in each category/label.
আরও বলছি এই থিম এর কালার আপনি খুবি সহজে নিজের ইছে মত পরিবর্তন করতে পারবেন তাই ডেমো এর কালার দেখে অনেকের পছন্দ না হলে ভয় পাবেন না আপনি ইছে মত কালার পরিবর্তন করতে পারবেন । বাকি কিভাবে এডিট করবেন সেটা থিম ডাউনলোড করার পর জিপ ফাইল এর মধ্যেই পেয়ে যাবেন ।
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